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Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Summer School on Dependable Software Systems

After finishing my diploma and starting to work as a PhD student at the TU Dresden Operating Systems Group in the beginning of July, I attended the Summer School on Dependable Software Systems last week. It took place in Lugano, Switzerland. Six researchers from USI Lugano, Carnegie-Mellon University and the University of Milano presented the best of their knowledge and research.

Natasha Sharygina from USI talked about using model-checking for analysis of large C applications. She gave an overview of the SATABS tool she is involved in and gave some thoughts about veryfing mobile applications.

Fernando Perdone from USI introduced reliable broadcast mechanisms and the problems related to this area.

Peter Lee from CMU introduced Proof-Carrying Code as a method to proof the correctness of an applicatoin to a customer.

Mary Shaw from CMU talked about Ultra-Large-Scale Systems and about everyday dependability where we have to consider changing users needs during workdays although the effect of failures might not be critical like in an airplane, but only inconvenient to a user.

David Garlan talked about formalizing software architectures, so that even high-level architectures may be checked for consistency and conformance with respect to certain rules posed on a system.

Carlo Ghezzi talked about changes in software development, targetting mobile and dynamic systems instead of static and monolithic ones.